The Company Profile of Dafen Oil Painting Art Design Co., Ltd
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Dafen Oil Painting Art Design Co., Ltd

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  Company Description
Dafen Oil Painting Art Design Co., Ltd locates in the centre of the most famous oil painting production base of China. Dafen (in Guangdong province) oil painting village is becoming more and more famous all over the world and there are more and more foreign people come here to purchase oil paintings back to their countries to sell or as samples in their gallery. As the development of China, oil painting here is becoming better and better, which means the quality can satisfy foreign people and the low price also is great advantage for business.

We have been in specializing in handling all kinds of oil paintings for eight years and our customers are from all over the world. We not only have some own staff but also we nearly know all the about eight thousand artists here which mean we have the eight thousand staff. The most important is that we know clearly each artist what he or she can paint and how he or she can paint. We always take this as our greatest advantage and we do a lot of job to collect information about the artists here. We can select the right artist to create works for customers according to their requirements. And just because here has so many artists the price can be lower since the severe competition. So you can get high quality and low price works for our cooperation.

We always try our best to provide the best service to satisfy our customers and seek for long term cooperation to benefit mutually from our cooperation. We will communicate closely with our customers to offer better service and make everything satisfy our customers.

Sometimes I visit some websites of foreign gallery and make me surprise is that the unit price always more than one thousand U.S. dollar. But in China the price will be very very small compare to that price in foreign country. Even deduct the entire fee such as shipment if you import from here and you can gain more profit compare to you purchase from your local artists.

Look forward to cooperating with you and establishing long term relationship between us.
oil painting, animal, people, landscape, crafts, gift, flower, nude, ballet, abstract, souvenirs, embroidery

  Contact information
Company :  Dafen Oil Painting Art Design Co., Ltd
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Country :  China
Address :  *********

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